Privacy and personal information

As part of delivering services to you we collect, store and protect your information. Your information makes it easy for us to identify you and communicate with you.

The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, also known as 'PPIPA', provides protection for personal information and the privacy of individuals in general.

Councils are required to abide by PIPPA’s regulations about how we deal with personal information.

Frequently asked questions

What is personal information?

Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIPA) defines personal information as "information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion".

Personal information collected by Council can include your name, email address and any other information you provide.

Who does it affect?

Shoalhaven City Council is committed to protecting the privacy of our:

  • Customers
  • Business contacts
  • Councillors
  • Employees
  • Contractors
  • Volunteers

How does Council protect information?

Council’s Privacy Management Plan

Our Privacy Management Plan details how we manage personal and health information that we collect, store, access, use and disclose during Council business activities.

Can I access information Council stores?


Our Public Access to Council Information Policy details how you can access Council’s documents, files and information.


How you can access your information

You can apply for access to your personal information and details that Council stores about you for delivery of services.

Complete the form:

Do I have a right to access Council’s information? What is GIPA?


GIPA is the acronym for the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (the GIPA Act).


Under the GIPA Act a person has the right to apply for access to documents held by Council. Documents include those held on electronic and paper files.

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