Council is experiencing delays in assessment timeframes. The Assessment Team are working through applications at full capacity and request patience with our staff during this time.
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Do you own or manage a holiday home in the Shoalhaven or have questions about how the new Code of Conduct and Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) legislation applies to the Shoalhaven?
The NSW Government has implemented a new state-wide regulatory framework for STRA, which requires owners to register their property via the NSW Planning Portal. Owners, letting agents/facilitators, booking platforms and guests must abide by the new industry Code of Conduct released by Fair Trading, this state wide framework sees Fair Trading manage issues of compliance.
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To assist with your enquiry find handy links and FAQs below.
The new Code of Conduct for Short-Term Rental Accommodation outlines the obligations of hosts, the obligations of guests and obligations of letting agents and facilitators. The new NSW legislation came in on 1 November 2021.
Short-Term Rental Accommodation is defined here by the Department of Planning. It can be hosted or non-hosted.
You must register your holiday home or Short-Term Rental Accommodation on the NSW Planning Portal before 1 November 2021.
The cost involved is $65 and you will be given a “property ID” number.
Find more information and registration here, or call Service NSW for more information on 1300 305 695.
Requirements around fire and emergency procedures have been postponed until 1 March 2022 with more information below.
You must register your “property ID” on all booking engines in order to continue trading past 1 November 2021. ‘Booking Platforms’ have an obligation to not advertise premises on its platform unless it is registered on the premises register with its registration or property id number displayed against it.
You must also comply with the record keeping requirements of the legislation.
Yes, short term holiday rental accommodation will have to comply with new Fire Safety Standards and Emergency Procedures.
The deadline for this element of compliance has been postponed until 1 March 2022.
Class 1 buildings are houses. Typically, they are standalone single dwellings of a domestic or residential nature.
These buildings can also be horizontally attached to other Class 1 buildings. When attached they are commonly referred to as duplexes, terrace houses, row houses and townhouses. In these situations, they must be separated by a wall that has fire-resisting and sound insulation properties.
Class 2 buildings are apartment buildings. They are typically multi-unit residential buildings where people live above and below each other. The NCC describes the space which would be considered the apartment as a sole-occupancy unit (SOU).
Class 2 buildings may also be single storey attached dwellings where there is a common space below. For example, two dwellings above a common basement or carpark.
A Class 4 part of a building is a sole dwelling or residence within a building of a non-residential nature. An example of a Class 4 part of a building would be a caretaker’s residence in a storage facility. A Class 4 part can only be located in a Class 5 to 9 building.
If you are unsure about your building class, you should seek advice from a certifier, fire safety practitioner or planning consultant.
Tourist and Visitor Accommodation are defined here in the Shoalhaven Development Control Plan 2014 and cover a wide range of accommodation and must have an approved development application (DA). These types of accommodation are not required to register as Short-Term Rental Accommodation under the new legislation.
No, you can still rent your property out 365 days a year in the Shoalhaven Local Government Area.
*However as previous, no one booking can last longer than total 3 months consecutively without a Lease agreement.
The following link will assist identifying if your property is bushfire or flood prone.
Hosts must register their compliance of the fire safety and emergency plan on the planning portal. The current system does not include inspection, it requires a host to self-declare.
If you have any questions on any locations on smoke alarms or emergency plans, feel free to contact Council's Fire Safety team.
Hosts have a number of obligations under the code of conduct as well as registering their property.
Letting Agents and Facilitators also have obligations which can be found here.
If obligations aren’t met, properties may be placed on an exclusion register, and no longer able to operate.
Guests have a number of responsibilities under the new code of conduct.
Guests may be placed on an exclusion register and be restricted from renting short term rental accommodation if don’t comply by the code.