Community Consultative Bodies (CCBs)


Community Consultative Bodies (CCBs) are resident representative groups that:

  • Are endorsed by Council as the representative group for residents and ratepayers in a given area
  • Have geographic boundaries covering an area with a common interest

CCBs have the general support and confidence of the local community to:

  • Disperse information
  • Promote and facilitate discussion
  • Communicate shared and collective views of the community to Council

CCB meetings with Council

Council meets with CCBs twice a year to discuss strategic issues. Representatives from all CCBs are invited to attend.

CCB executive meeting notes

Current CCB groups

Burrill Lake Community Association

Southern Area CCB

Hyams Beach Villagers Association

Central Area 2 CCB
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CCB guidelines

The Community Consultative Body Guidelines (CCB Guidelines) outline how to apply to become a CCB, administration processes and Council’s requirements.