Council is experiencing delays in assessment timeframes. The Assessment Team are working through applications at full capacity and request patience with our staff during this time.
For live updates on traffic conditions across the Region, visit Live Traffic NSW. This map provides a list of full and partial closures of Council controlled roads due to weather or emergency events.
Go To Live Traffic NSW
A ‘road closed’ means that road is unsafe to travel on. Find alternate ways which are free from stormwater or wait until the all clear is given for that road.
Please don't drive through floodwaters. Regardless of whether you 'know' the road, if you see it is flooded turn around and find a different way to get to your destination.
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500.
For life-threatening emergencies call Triple Zero (000).
For weather updates and flood warnings, visit Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).