Indian Myna control


The Indian Myna bird (also known as the Common Myna bird) is now well established in many cities and towns in eastern Australia. It competes with native species for breeding and foraging resources and their roosting and nesting behaviours can create aesthetic and health concerns.

Indian Myna Bird

Image courtesy of Department of Primary Industries

Indian Mynas are brown with a glossy black head, neck and upper breast; bright yellow bills, eye skin, legs and feet; and have an upright posture.

It is sometimes confused with the Noisy Miner, which is a native species and differs by its grey colouring.

Indian Myna birds breed from August to March and is considered to be a vertebrate pest in New South Wales. 

What you can do

Some of the things residents can do to try and discourage Indian Myan birds on their property include: 

  • Register sightings of Indian Myna birds using MynaScan
  • Plant native plants to encourage reliable areas for nesting and a good food source for our native birds as native shrubs offer opportunities for small native birds to nest
  • Reduce roosting opportunities for Indian Myna birds around the home
  • Fix holes in your roof and eaves, or cover them so Indian Myna birds can’t nest in your home
  • Make sure Indian Myna birds cannot access pet food or other potential food sources 

Obtaining Myna bird traps 

Contact your local men’s shed to obtain a trap:

Indian Myna Bird Trap

Image courtesy of Sanctuary Point Men’s Shed 

Learn more on how to carry out humane euthanasia: