Corporate message and organisation structure

The Shoalhaven has a number of wonderful qualities that we should take pride in, including:

  • the environmental diversity, character and uniqueness
  • the people, who are friendly, relaxed, helpful, skillful and innovative
  • the facilities, cultural, recreational, natural and educational
  • the history, heritage and traditional custodians

Working together, Council and the community can achieve Council’s vision to make the Shoalhaven a great place to live, work, stay and play.

Councillors and staff are striving to improve Council’s customer focus and empathy with members of the community. To this end we appreciate you letting us know if our customer services do not meet your expectations. We can then take steps to improve systems, procedures or staff attitudes. Of course we enjoy receiving compliments as well, so please contact us with your complaints, comments or compliments.

Keeping the community informed of Council's activities is also important. Through Council’s website you can gain access to monthly Council meeting reports and minutes, media releases and many policies and public documents such as the Delivery Program Operational Plan and Annual Report. Any draft documents on public exhibition are advertised and are available for comment. Council receives many submissions throughout the year and values community input before making final decisions.

Another key focus is involving the community in actions, activities and decision making. Volunteering in Bush Care, Park Care and a range of Council functions is encouraged and supported.

Council's DA Tracking allows everyone to access information relating to any development application that may be of interest. We encourage you to utilise this facility. Anyone planning a development should seek advice from staff before lodging a DA. Better applications addressing all of the required information will assist in the efficient and timely assessment of the proposal.

We will continue to build our website to be user-friendly and interactive, with more online services.

Over the past few years Council has continued to advance its strategic planning, to determine how we can better manage the community’s assets and facilities and to plan for future growth and development. This remains a key objective of the organisation and is underpinned by responsible financial management. Remaining financially sustainable is a key objective.

To meet these challenges, our organisation encourages an environment of innovation, questioning the status quo, reviewing policies and procedures and to focus on priorities and discard the unnecessary. Staff accountability has increased and we strive to deliver services and works with a 'can do' attitude.

We also strive to meet your expectations in an environment of greater pressure, high growth, financial constraints and within a vast range of Government legislation and regulation – let us know how we can improve.

Organisation structure chart