Make sure your waste and recycling bins are put out on the kerb the night before bin collection is due.

When putting your bins out, make sure you leave room for the arm of the truck to be able to grab and lift the bin.
Putting your bin too close to trees, cars, signposts or power lines can create a hazardous situation for the driver. A safety risk may result in your bin not be collected.
As a good rule of thumb, bins must be at least one (1) metre from other bins, parked cars, trees, power poles and street signs.

Do not place bins in the gutter or under power lines, and do not overfill them - you may need to upsize your bin if you are frequently running out of room in your bin.
The ‘Wheel Out, Wheel In’ is a weekly service to assist elderly or disabled residents with placing waste bins out on the kerbside, and returning them back to a location inside the front property boundary.
Conditions and fees apply. For more information please call Waste Services on 1300 293 111 or email