A-Z recycling and disposal guide

Most recycling options listed are free of charge. Some fees are incurred for certain items disposed of at our recycling and waste depots, please refer to our page on depot disposal costs for more information.

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Polystyrene (foam) meat trays, dispose of into your red-lid bin.

Hard Plastic meat trays:

  • Not all plastic meat trays are the same, as manufacturers use different processes in the production of the trays, resulting in not all being recyclable

The Australasian Recycling Label is gradually introducing their labelling system on meat trays. Please refer to this symbol as to what bin to put your tray into. If no symbol is available, please dispose of into your red-lid bin.

Soft plastic includes:

  • Shopping bags
  • Chip packets
  • Cling wrap
  • Bread bags
  • Cereal box liners
  • Pasta bags
  • Frozen food bags

Dispose of into your red-lid bin.

Never place soft plastic in your yellow-lid bin.

Consider re-use options or dispose of into your red-lid bin.

Mobile phones are E-Waste and can be recycled via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots

Officeworks will accept mobile phones for recycling.

Never place mobile phones into either kerbside bin as they contain substances hazardous to the environment. Mobile phone batteries tend to ignite and burn if they are placed under pressure and are one of the primary causes of fire in materials recycling facilities.

These cannot be recycled in the yellow-lid recycling bin.

They may be accepted for recycling at some pharmacies. Please check with your local pharmacy.

Alternatively, a private company called Terracycle may also accept them for recycling.

Otherwise, please dispose of in your red-lid landfill bin.

Cut the ear loops and dispose of into your red-lid bin.

Dispose of at Chemical CleanOut Day.

Chemical Collection dates for 2024 are:

  • Saturday 22 June 2024, 9:00am to 3:30pm,  Shoalhaven City Council Administration Centre car park, Deering St, Ulladulla
  • Sunday 23 June 2024, 9:00am to 3:30pm,  Shoalhaven City Council Administration Centre car park, Bridge Rd, Nowra

For more information view:

Contact local auto wreckers or scrap metal merchants in your area.

Alternatively, some tow truck businesses may be able to pick up your car and, depending on the market for scrap at the time, provide a small payment.

Electronic waste is anything that runs off a power cord or a battery.

Common E-waste includes:

  • Computers: monitors, devices, keyboards, scanners, calculators and other office electrical equipment
  • Phones: mobile, portable and house phones
  • Entertainment equipment: TVs, radios, CD players, stereos, video cameras, game consoles
  • Household appliances: kettles, toasters, food processors, lamps, torches, hairdryers

Recycle via Council's Recycling and Waste Depots

Officeworks will accept some types of E-Waste.

Never place E-waste into either kerbside bin as it is a fire risk and becomes an environmental hazard.

Clean foil squashed to the minimum size of a tennis ball, recycle via your yellow-lid bin.

Please note that some 'foil like' products such as chip packs and medicine blister packs contain plastic and/or other mixed materials and cannot go into your yellow-lid bin. They must be disposed of into your red-lid bin.

Most pharmacies in the Shoalhaven will accept these as part of a Federal Government initiative for the safe disposal of unwanted medicines.

For more information visit:

Roll-on deodorants (both glass or plastic packaging) dispose of into your red-lid bin.

Pump-pack style deodorants and steel can deodorants can be recycled via your yellow-lid bin (remove lids and dispose of lid in your red-lid bin).

Ring around to see if a community group will take it for rehoming or google ‘Rehome Piano NSW’.

Dispose of into your red-lid bin. 

This type of paper has a heat-resistant, non-stick coating and is not recyclable or compostable. 

Contact local auto wreckers or scrap metal merchants in your area.

Alternatively, some tow truck businesses may be able to pick up your motor bike and depending on the market for scrap at the time, provide a small payment.

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