Staying healthy in the heat

It is important to stay healthy in the heat. We’ve sourced the below from NSW Health’s Beat the heat site.

Keep cool

Keeping cool and your temperature down is the first step to remaining healthy during the heat.

To keep cool:

  • drink cold drinks and eating smaller cold meals such as salads and fruit.
  • wear light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes made from natural fibres like cotton.
  • stay out of the sun.
  • plan your day and avoid being in the heat between 11am and 5pm.
  • put wet towels or cool packs on your arms or neck.
  • take cool showers or baths or put your feet in cool water.
  • limit physical activity, like household chores or exercise, to early in the morning when it is coolest.
  • if you must go outside, apply sunscreen, wear a wide brim hat and sunglasses and take water with you.

Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water and staying well hydrated keeps you healthy during the heat.

To stay hydrated and check your hydration:

  • drink plenty of water regularly even if you don’t feel thirsty.
  • check the colour of your urine – if it’s pale, you’re drinking enough.
  • talk to your GP about how much water you should drink in hot weather, especially if they normally limit your fluids.
  • avoid alcoholic, sugary or hot drinks including tea and coffee which can make dehydration worse.
  • carry water with you if go outside.
  • stock your fridge with cold water and freezer with ice.

When protecting yourself from heat, don’t forget to take care of others.

To help take care of others, you can:

  • keep in daily contact with relatives, neighbours and friends, especially those living alone or socially isolated. If visiting is a risk, check in virtually by phone, text or video call.
  • make sure their house is prepared and they have a plan to look after their health in the heat.
  • have a plan for how to stay healthy in the heat, and how to seek help if you’re caring for someone.
  • take particular care to keep children cool and encourage them to drink.
  • never leave babies, children or animals alone in a car even if the air-conditioner is on.

Keep food safe

When your home heats up or your power goes out during the heat, there is a chance your food can spoil and become unsafe.

To help maintain food safety, you can:

  • properly store food that needs refrigeration.
  • defrost foods in the fridge, not on the kitchen bench.
  • read up on how to keep food safe at home.
  • understand how to keep your food safe if you have a power failure.