Clyde River Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan

Council received grant funding from the Australian Government through the National Recovery and Resilience Agency’s Preparing Australian Communities Program – Local Stream to undertake the Clyde River Flood Study and Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan to investigate the flood risk within the catchment.

Clyde River Image

About the project

The primary study area is the 50km reach of the Clyde River from upstream of joining the Yadboro River through the localities of Yadboro, Mogood, Morton, Brooman and Currowan to the southern boundary of the Shoalhaven where it meets the Currowan River. 

This stretch of the Clyde River comprises of large areas of land owned by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and State Forests of NSW, but with private land tenures along the river length. The focus of the flood study is predominantly privately owned land and public roads but investigating the full 50km reach length is necessary to better understand flow times and discharge relationships between different waterway crossings over the Clyde River. The catchment includes properties that quickly, for an extended period, become isolated due to inundation of existing low-level waterway crossings. 

For more information, please visit the Clyde River Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan Get Involved web page.