Culburra Road - Wollumboola - Pavement Repair

The Shoalhaven was declared a Natural Disaster Area 5 March 2022 after an East Coast Low and subsequent rain events. This had a major impact on our communities, causing rapid deterioration to pavements and roads. Culburra Road, Wollumboola, was severely impacted by these rain events.

Pavement repairs:
Section 1. Completed
Section 2. Planning

The latest

5/11/2024 - Section 2: request for quotation submissions closed on the 30/10/2024. Council is currently reviewing quotation submissions.

Works are still anticipated to start early December 2024, weather permitting.

Select image to view rapid road deterioration

About the works

2024 Works history

17/10/2024 - The last update is current. Further details will be posted as they are available.

1/10/2024 - Request for quotations has been sent out for quotes from interested bidders. Closing date for quotations is 30 October 2024. Following this process council will select a preferred contractor. Works are anticipated to start early-December 2024. 

9/9/2024 - The last update for this project is current. Further updates will be provided as new information becomes available. 

13/8/2024 - Approval received from TfNSW, Council co-funding contribution has been arranged. Quotation from the panel of vendors will be requested in the coming weeks. 

22/7/2024 - Approval has been received from TfNSW and Council co-funding contribution is being arranged. Following this, quotes from suppliers will be requested. Further updates will be provided here.

17/7/2024 - The last update is still current for this project. Further updates will be posted as new information becomes available.

25/6/2024 - The last update is current for this project. Further updates will be posted as new information becomes available.

31/05/2024 - Designs have been submitted to TfNSW for approval with advertisement for Tenders prepared and ready, pending TfNSW approval.  

9/5/2024 - The last update is current for this repair work. Further updates will be provided as new information becomes available. Subscribe to this page for updates. 

04/03/24 - The last update is the most current for these repair works.

16/11/2023 - Ground investigations and pavement designs have been completed and submitted to TfNSW. Tenders are ready for advertising pending TfNSW approval.



2023 Works history

  • 16/11/23 - Ground investigations and pavement designs have been completed and submitted to TfNSW. Tenders are ready for advertising pending TfNSW approval.
  • 05/09/2023 - Maintenance staff are undertaking weekly inspection of the road and actioning temporary road repairs as required.
  • 06/04/2023 - Maintenance staff will undertake weekly inspection of the road and schedule temporary pothole repairs as required.
  • 29/03/2023 - Temporary pavement repairs are being completed at this location prior to Easter (pothole repairs and large shoves).
  • 24/03/2023 - Ground investigations and pavement designs have been completed and submitted to TfNSW. Tenders are ready for advertising pending TfNSW approval.
  • 19/01/2023 - Sampling and testing investigations have commenced to inform appropriate repair methods. Once completed Council will seek funding approval from transport to proceed to tender the works.
  • 18/01/2023 - Additional pavement repair works will be undertaken with sampling and testing commencing in January 2023. An external package of works will go to tender in February 2023.


2022 Works history

Section 1 - Complete

Culburra rd 2.JPG

  • 18/11/2022 - All works under the external tender package have been completed.
  • 31/10/2022 - A contractor has been engaged to reinstate the line marking that was removed during pavement repairs. Works are scheduled for mid-November, weather permitting.
  • 22/10/2022 - A request for quote has been sent to suitable line marking contractors. Quotes are expected to be received by 28th October, with works to be undertaken in November.
  • 15/09/2022 - Pavement works under the external tender package have been completed. Line marking remains outstanding.
  • 16/08/2022 - Contractors due to commence Tuesday 23rd August. Central AC program scheduled for 4-week construction period.

Below: Rapid road deterioration and damages from severe weather events

Culburra rd.JPG


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