St Vincent Street Ulladulla Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Transport for New South Wales and Shoalhaven City Council have been working on pedestrian safety improvements along St Vincent Street and at the intersection of South Street Ulladulla following the tragic accident which took place in June 2020.


About the project

In consultation with Ulladulla High School, Kellam Bus Lines and Ulladulla Bus Lines, Council and TfNSW have developed a three-phase strategy to improve pedestrian and vehicle movements at the site.

To make sure that we create a better outcome for students and motorists and that we don’t inadvertently create unacceptable outcomes at the site or elsewhere, Council and TfNSW will liaise regularly with Ulladulla High School, the Bus Companies and the Parents and Citizens Association on the effectiveness of the measures, the details of any investigations and strategies to engage with the wider community.

Latest news

The detailed design for the upgrade of the St Vincent Street and South Street intersection to traffic signals has been approved by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

Construction works are now complete pending some minor items. For further details on the construction phase please visit the following relevant Road Works Page for each project:

For more information, visit the St Vincent Street Ulladulla Pedestrian Safety Improvements Get Involved web page.

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