Shoalhaven LGA Floor Level Survey for Flood Planning

Shoalhaven City Council (Council) has engaged an expert engineering and survey consultant, Stantec, to assist with the delivery of the Shoalhaven Local Government Area (LGA) Floor Level Survey for Flood Planning project.

House surveyer
  • Project StatusPlanning
  • Last reviewed 23 July 2024

About the project

Council has received funding from the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF). The DRRF is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments.

The purpose of the Shoalhaven LGA Floor Level Survey for Flood Planning project is to undertake a risk-based floor level survey of properties located on flood prone land within the Shoalhaven  to assist Council and the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) to identify, plan and prepare suitable actions and measures to reduce existing and future flood risk to the community.

The primary objectives of the floor level surveys are to:

  • Update the floor level database for the Shoalhaven LGA. This will adopt a risk-based approach to ensure updated floor levels are available for the highest flood risk catchments within the Shoalhaven region. 
  • Be used into Council’s Flood studies and Floodplain Risk Management Studies for flood damages assessment and to complete a cost benefit assessment for potential flood mitigation measures. 
  • Provide quantitative information to be considered during future reviews of Council’s Entrance Management Plans. 
  • Provide updated floor level information to the NSW SES for inclusion in flood intelligence and emergency response procedures. 

Council identified a number of existing properties on flood prone land where floor level data is required. These floor levels will be surveyed either from within the property or from the street depending on the level of accuracy required for each individual property. The survey will be undertaken from outside the existing dwellings within the property, and will take around five (5) minutes to complete. Therefore, residents will not be required to be present when the surveyor is at their property. The surveyor will ensure that any access points are maintained as they are found and will not cause disturbance to residents, pets or livestock.

The surveys are staged to occur between August 2023 and June 2024. If property land access is required, Council will notify property owners and include the estimated time of access. If the floor level is surveyed from the street, notification will not be required.

The catchment areas included in this project are as follows:

  • Lower Shoalhaven River 
  • St Georges Basin and Sussex Inlet 
  • Tabourie Lake 
  • Burrill Lake 
  • Lake Conjola 
  • Currambene Creek 
  • Millards Creek 
  • Moona Moona Creek 
  • Nowra and Browns Creeks 
  • Kangaroo River 
  • Currarong Creek 
  • Willinga Lake 
  • Clyde River

Please refer to the survey area Floor Level Locality Maps  North and South published on this web page.

The survey data collected will be treated as confidential, be used by Council and the NSW SES for flood planning and emergency response purposes only and will not be publicly available. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Floor Level Survey?

Floor Level means the elevation of the floor upon which people walk in a dwelling.

 What areas are included in the Floor Level Survey?

The Floor Level Survey will include surveying at selected properties within the following catchments:

  • Lower Shoalhaven River (Back Forest, Berry, Bolong, Bomaderry, Brundee, Burrier, Coolangatta, Culburra Beach, Far Meadow, Greenwell Point, Jaspers Brush, Meroo Meadow, North Nowra, Nowra, Numbaa, Orient Point, Pyree, Shoalhaven Heads, Terara and Worrigee.
  • St Georges Basin (Basin View, Erowal Bay, Old Erowal Bay, Sanctuary Point, St Georges Basin and Sussex Inlet).
  • Tabourie Lake (Lake Tabourie).
  • Burrill Lake (Burrill Lake and Kings Point).
  • Lake Conjola (Conjola Park, Fishermans Paradise and Lake Conjola)
  • Currambene Creek (Woolamia, Myola, Huskisson).
  • Millards Creek (Ulladulla).
  • Moona Moona Creek (Vincentia and Huskisson).
  • Nowra and Browns Creeks (Nowra and South Nowra).
  • Kangaroo River (Kangaroo Valley).
  • Currarong Creek (Currarong).
  • Willinga Lake (Bawley Point).
  • Clyde River

I have received a letter from Council notifying me that access to my property is required.  Will you require anything from me?

 The floor level of a dwelling can be surveyed from the outside and does not require access inside of a dwelling. Therefore, you do not need to be home at the time this survey is undertaken. The floor level will be captured using survey equipment and will typically take less than five (5) minutes. The surveyor will ensure that any access points are maintained as they are found and will not cause disturbance to residents, pets or livestock.

When will the floor level surveys be undertaken?

 The floor level surveys will be staged to occur between August 2023 and June 2024. Surveys will occur on business days between 7.30am and 5pm. Council will survey dwellings in specific locations and catchments at the same time as we roll the project out across the Shoalhaven LGA.

How will this floor level survey affect property prices or insurance premiums?

 This project will not produce or alter any existing flood mapping. Floor levels will be surveyed for existing dwellings on properties that have previously been identified as comprising flood prone land. The surveyed floor levels will be treated as confidential, will not be made publicly available, and will only be used by Council and the NSW SES for flood planning and emergency response purposes. This information will not be provided to the insurance industry. The surveyed floor levels may assist land owners to obtain cost effective flood insurance if it was demonstrated that the dwelling was constructed at a suitable elevation to avoid or minimise flood impacts.

Where can I view existing flood mapping for the Shoalhaven region?

 Previously completed flood investigations can be viewed on Councils Flood Studies webpage.

Flood mapping can be viewed on Councils SCC Viewer webpage.

Councils online mapping includes the following information.

  • 1% AEP (Annual Exceedance Probability) Flood Extent. AEP means the chance of a flood of a given or larger size occurring in any one year, usually expressed as a percentage – for example a 1% AEP flood event has a 1% chance of occurring in any one calendar year and is sometimes referred to a 1 in 100 flood event.
  • Flood planning area. This is any land identified as being flood affected in the 1% AEP flood event plus freeboard (typically 0.5m). Freeboard takes into account uncertainties in flood modelling and climate change predictions, local factors that cannot be included in the flood model or wave action caused by wind, boats or vehicles driving through flood waters.
  • Probable maximum flood (PMF). This is the largest flood that could conceivably occur at a particular location, usually estimated from probable maximum precipitation.  Generally, it is not physically or economically possible to provide complete protection against this event.  The PMF defines the extent of flood prone land, that is, the floodplain.

What is flood prone land?

Flood prone land means any land susceptible to flooding up to the probable maximum flood event (that is, land within the floodplain) as identified in an adopted Council flood study or floodplain risk management study and plan.

What is an Entrance Management Plan?

Further information about Councils entrance management policies can be obtained from Council's Entrance Management webpage.