Balconies, Decks, Patios, Pergolas, Terraces & Verandahs Find out if your balcony, deck, patio, pergola, terrace or verandah requires approval, a complying development certificate or a Development Application.
Building Alterations (Residential) If you are making building alterations, find out if they require approval, a complying development certificate or a Development Application.
Change of Use (Commercial or Industrial) If you are planning to change the use of a building, find out if it requires approval, a complying development certificate or a Development Application.
Converting a Garage to a Habitable Room Make sure you get the approval you need before you start a garage conversion to a habitable room.
Commonwealth Telecommunications If you are a developer or owner-builder, there are important Commonwealth telecommunications rules you need to comply with.
Demolition Find out if your demolition requires approval, a complying development certificate or a Development Application.