The Shoalhaven was declared a Natural Disaster Area 22 February (AGRN 1012), 27 June (AGRN 1025) and 14 September (AGRN 1034), all severe weather and flooding events. Recorded infrastructure damages totaled 1347, the total damage bill estimate is $85 million.
Wide ranging damages to infrastructure included landslips, flood levee's, jetties, boat ramps, beach stairs, bridges, roads (sealed & unsealed), culverts, footpaths, storm water (sink holes), roadside furniture and emergency works. Council successfully secured funding to repair wide ranging damages, including 38 major landslips across 15 roads for the Major Landslip Package.
Below: Damages on Woodhill Mountain Road required immediate clean-up works.

Find information on natural disaster road repair and reconstruction works on our Natural Disaster Repair Works Listings page.
The Major Landslip Package
Council's Natural Disasters Team has championed this project to completion, collaborating and working closely with the contractor Symal, Public Works Authority (PWA) and council teams.
Some challenges overcome during these works include providing adequate access for community during works, effectively communicating road closures to community and during the final stages of completion works absorbing the impacts of three (3) more natural disasters; 28 November 2023 (AGRN 1086), 7 April 2024 (AGRN 1119), and 6 June 2024 (AGRN 1129).
All fully completed and reconstructed landslips in the package withstood the latter three (3) severe weather events, proving the completed and repaired major landslips robust in the face of extreme weather events. A defining test of the completed works.
The latest
8/11/2024 - The Major Landslip Package is completed; delivery of 38 fully remediated landslips across 15 roads. Council thanks residents for their patience and understanding through the delivery of this project.
The Major Landslip Package was jointly funded by the Australian Government and NSW Government under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
18/10/2024 - Major Landslip Package: Bunkers Hill Rd landslip completion is due 1 November 2024, weather permitting, and the last in this package of 38. The 37 fully reconstructed landslips have proven robust following three (3) natural disasters since 28 November 2023. Following 7 April 2024 weather event (AGRN 1119), Kangaroo Valley Roads' most recent landslip completion is due mid-late November 2024.
18/9/2024 - Delays caused by high levels of groundwater have slowed works schedule, with completion now planned by 17 October 2024.
8/8/2024 - Bunkers Hill Rd landslip is rescheduled by the contractor for completion 27 September 2024.
31/7/2024 - Bunkers Hill Rd landslip is planned for completion 24 September 2024, the last repair of the Major Landslip Package; 38 landslips across 15 roads. The 37 reconstructed landslips have proven robust when tested following three (3) more natural disasters from 28 November 2023 onwards. Following 7 April 2024 event, a new landslip on Kangaroo Valley Rd is planned for completion 20 November 2024.
20/6/2024 - Final works have been disrupted and delayed on Bunkers Hill Road, Burrier Road, Foremans Road and Wattamolla Road by two (2) recent natural disaster events, 6 June and 7 April 2024. However, finishing works are in progress as favourable weather conditions prevail.
16/05/2024 - Repair works near completion on the final four roads; Bunkers Hill Road (5), Burrier Road (5), Foremans Road (2), Wattamolla Road (3).
Major landslip reconstruction works (38 landslips) are completed on: Abernethys Road, Bamarang Road (2), Browns Mountain Road, Hughes Road (2), Kangaroo Valley Road (2), Mount Scanzi Road (8), Suffolk Road, Upper Kangaroo River Road (4), Wogamia Road, Woodhill Mountain Road (2) and Yalwal Road.
Council and contractor Symal are working diligently for completion of the Major Landslip Package for mid-2024, weather permitting. To date, they have delivered a robust result.