Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area - Water Infrastructure

The Moss Vale Road Urban Release Area (URA) is a regionally significant residential development located between Bomaderry and Cambewarra village.

The new water pumping station as viewed from the street.

The latest

Main Road and Hockeys Lane road works are currently undergoing reinstatement. The new main will be tested before commissioning.
Installation of new water mains along Moss Vale Road in the Badagarang area is progressing steadily.
Pipeline work between Taylor’s Lane and the final Bomaderry connection point is underway.

About the project

The current projected development yield is 3,400 residential lots. In order to supply adequate future servicing to the Urban Release Area (URA), Shoalhaven Water progressed detailed designs for the water and wastewater infrastructure, with construction of the works commenced in 2021.

Progress so far

  • project approval – 2020
  • award of design consultants – 2020
  • stage 1 water lead-in construction – 2021
  • overall water detailed design completion – 2022

About the packages of works

Package 1 - Stage 1 water main lead-in work

Package 1 involves the extension of the existing Cambewarra water main network along Main Road and Moss Vale Road, to the Moss Vale Road URA.

Progress so far

  • Package 1 works completed in 2021.

Package 2: Illaroo Road water pumping station upgrade

Package 2 involves the construction of a new replacement water pumping station.

Progress so far

Testing and commissioning of the new pump station is currently underway, with the new pumps now switched on

A photo of the interior of the pumping station showing the pumps

Fencing and access road pavements have now been installed/commenced.

A photo of the newly laid asphalt with large machinery and steam rollers on itA photo of the completed road to the pumping station

Coming up:

  • The decommissioning and demolition of the existing pump station
  • Completion of facility fencing
  • Landscaping works

Package 3: Stage 2 water mains

Package 3 involves the construction of new rising mains connecting the Cambewarra and Bomaderry water networks.

Anticipated completion in August 2024.

Progress so far

May 2024 Update

  • Main Road, Hockeys Lane and Faulks Place: Nearing completion! Final fittings, connections, and testing are expected to be finalized within the coming days
  • Reservoir Lane: Pipeline installation is complete. Testing and commissioning are likely the next steps
  • Moss Vale Road (Badagarang): Progressing steadily! The section under the Jemena gas line is now bored and pipes are installed. Work continues on the pipeline running between Taylors Lane and the final Bomaderry connection point

June 2024 Update

  • the Main Road and Hockeys Lane road works are currently undergoing reinstatement. As part of the planned works, the new main will be tested before commissioning. Once operational, this newly laid main will serve as a dedicated line to fill the new reservoir
  • the installation of new water mains along Moss Vale Road in the Badagarang area is progressing steadily. Despite weather-related delays, the pipeline work between Taylor’s Lane and the final Bomaderry connection point is underway

Package 4: New water reservoir

Package 4 was awarded under separate contract August 2022, and involves the construction of a new 3.5ML reservoir on the existing Cambewarra Reservoir site at Reservoir Lane.

Progress so far

  • Construction works are progressing well with main structure now complete, reservoir being filled and external batters and access road pavement underway

A photo of the new water reservoir at Camberwarra.

If you have any questions about the above works, please contact Project Manager Robert Greig via email at

For more information, including the detailed stages, visit the Planning for Growth in Nowra - Bomaderry Get Involved web page.