Lake Conjola Boat Launching Ramp

Funding has been provided by the NSW Boating Now Program to support the construction of the first stage of a new two-lane Boat Launching Ramp and pontoon at Havilland Street, Conjola Park.

Lake Conjola Boat Ramp.png

About the project

Council have been working with the community on a boat ramp facility since 2016, with the project formally reported to Council’s Strategy and Assets Committee in November 2019. 

Funding has been provided by the NSW Boating Now Program and the Bushfire Local Economy Recovery Fund to support the construction of the first stage of a new two-lane Boat Launching Ramp and pontoon at Havilland Street, Conjola Park. 

Project schedule

Stage 1 works are complete. The facility opened for public use on Thursday, 22 September 2022. 

Stage 1 works, as shown in the “General Layout – Stage 1” image in the photo gallery, comprised of:

  • a two-lane boat ramp with intermediate floating pontoon
  • 26 sealed car-trailer spaces
  • an access road and boat launching maneuvering area
  • 2 x accessible car spaces with concrete path down to boat ramp

The current scope for Stage 2 works is detailed below however Council will be conducting further community consultation for Stage 2 if/when funding becomes available. Refer to “General Layout – Complete” image in the photo gallery.

  • additional 20 car-trailer spaces and turning bay
  • amenities block
  • tap for wash down bay

Grants and funding 

Council has actively sought funding for this project.  

  • 08/09/2020 - SA20.166 NSW Boating Now Funding Offers – Round 3 - Council resolved to accept $361,000 for the Haviland St project
  • 10/11/2020 – SA20.219 Bushfire Local Economy Recovery Fund - project nominations - Council endorsed the Conjola Park Regional Boat Ramp be submitted as a project to be applied for under the BLERF (along with other projects) for a total of $775,349. 
  • 20/07/2021 – SA21.140 Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund - Stage 2 funding approvals - Successful project - Council resolved to accept the offer by the Australian and NSW Governments, under the BLERF, for funding of Supporting Lake Conjola Tourism Access for $775,349 (along with other projects)

Photo gallery