Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Management

The dune vegetation at Collingwood Beach, Vincentia, has been the subject of contrasting public opinions for many years.

Sand dunes and vegetation with calm ocean in the distance

About the project

While there is a clear appreciation of the value of natural areas and native vegetation in the broader community, there has been extensive unauthorised vegetation removal, poisoning and vandalism of foreshore vegetation.

In view of this advice and the objectives of the Coastal Management Act 2016, Council established a Reference Group to develop a Collingwood Beach Dune Vegetation Two-Year Trial Action Plan steered by a Council resolution.

Two trial study sites have been used to assess a recommended framework for the restoration and management of the Collingwood Beach dune vegetation system. The results of a community survey to review the success of the two year trial are under review.

Council has completed Stage 1 of the Collingwood Beach Revegetation Project. Stage 2 of the project has now commenced which includes continuing beach access fencing and further revegetation works.

For more information, visit the Get Involved web page. 

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