Free workshops help residents to flip the switch to electric

Published on 28 April 2023


Residents are being encouraged to electrify their homes and reap the benefits of clean energy as part of a campaign delivered by local councils across Australia.

Throughout May, Council is hosting free community workshops in Nowra and Ulladulla to help people save energy and reduce carbon emissions as part of the Electrify Everything initiative.

Mayor Amanda Findley said the campaign will shine a light on the range of benefits of going electric and the options available to locals to make the switch.

“All-electric is better for your hip pocket, better for the environment and the healthiest option for your home and family,” Cr Findley said.

“Any step towards clean energy makes an impact and there are steps you can take as a renter or homeowner, a young family or a retired couple,” she said.

Some of the options available include installing energy-efficient reverse-cycle air conditioning, switching to an electric hot water heat pump, choosing an electric bike or vehicle and installing solar panels.

“There are a number of funding opportunities available right now that our community can take advantage of, and whether it takes six months or six years, we are helping our residents to plan to make the switch.”

Residents can find out more about the Electrify Everything movement, download a checklist, or sign up to one of the free workshops by visiting Council's sustainability webpage. 

Shoalhaven City Council has joined with 60 councils from across Australia to promote the benefits of converting away from using gas for heating and cooking, petrol and diesel vehicles and electricity generated by coal-fired power stations.

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