Have Your Say: Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan Hub

Published on 01 September 2020


Now you can have your say on the plan for the future of the Illawarra Shoalhaven region.

The Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan provides vision and direction to address needs for land use, housing, jobs, infrastructure, a healthy environment, access to green spaces and connected communities for the next 20 years.

In the lead up to the draft Illawarra Shoalhaven Regional Plan 2041 being placed on public exhibition, now you can access an online community hub where you can:

  • Explore an interactive map of the region and drop a pin with your comments and photos on your favourite places and ideas about jobs, getting around, housing and things you’d like to see more of.
  • Answer a question via a survey linked to the video topics. The survey questions will be updated every couple of weeks.
  • Watch videos with the Illawarra Shoalhaven community talk about the things they love about the region, and how the region has evolved as well as their vision for its future, with more videos to come.

Start exploring, dreaming and sharing at the online community hub now.