Improvements to the intersection of South Street and St Vincent Street

Published on 17 July 2020

Exclamation mark surrounded by light purple circle

Transport for New South Wales and Shoalhaven City Council have been working on improvements to the intersection of South Street and St Vincent Street at Ulladulla following the tragic accident which took place in June.

In consultation with Ulladulla High School, Kellam Bus Lines and Ulladulla Bus Lines; Council and TfNSW have developed the following strategy to improve pedestrian and vehicle movements at the site.

Phase 1 – In place for Term 3 commencement

  • Water filled barriers and appropriate signage will be placed on the footpath along St Vincent Street on both sides north of South Street. The barriers will direct students to cross St Vincent Street at the existing mid-block crossing outside the school at St Vincent Street.
  • The drop off site along St Vincent Street from South Street to the existing mid-block crossing on St Vincent Street will be moved a few meters to the northern side of the mid-block crossing.
  • Traffic marshals will be on site for two weeks during school zone times to monitor movements and make any adjustments to barriers and signage.

Phase 2 – Undertaken during Term 3

  • Line marking will be installed to clearly define the St Vincent Street travel lanes and allow the South Street STOP lines to be bought further forward into St Vincent Street to improve sight distance and shorten the time needed to move through the intersection.
  • Purpose built pedestrian fencing will be installed to replace water filled barriers.
  • Buses will leave school pick up areas in an order which allows them to clear the site in an efficient manner, easing congestion onsite. Left turn buses will leave before right turn buses.

Phase 3 – Completed prior to the end of Term 4

  • Investigation of possible intersection upgrades which may include roundabouts, traffic signals or further improvement to crossing facilities.
  • Investigation of ongoing CCTV and monitoring or manning options.
  • Investigation of possible adjustments to the bus pick up area and the way buses line up.

To make sure that we create a better outcome for students and motorists and that we don’t inadvertently create unacceptable outcomes at the site or elsewhere, Council and TfNSW will liaise regularly with the Ulladulla High School, Bus Company’s and the Parents and Citizens Association on:

  • the effectiveness of the above measures,
  • the details of any investigations and
  • strategies to engage with the wider community.

Residents who would like to stay informed on the improvements can access project updates on Council’s roadworks page.

Council would like to thank those who have provided written submissions with suggestions on improvements to the intersection. Submissions are still welcome and can be emailed to

Should anyone have any concerns with any of the measures installed please contact the Ulladulla Office directly on (02) 4429 8902.