SCaRP – Northern Section – Bomaderry Sporting Complex

In line with Council Minute 20 July 2021, redeveloping the Bomaderry Sporting Complex - northern section of the Shoalhaven Community and Recreation Precinct (SCaRP) project will enhance the current facilities for the region and align with the Master Plan for the SCaRP Precinct.


About the project

This includes redevelopment of the area to the north of Cambewarra Road Bomaderry (Bomaderry Sporting Complex).

The new facilities will provide a multipurpose, flexible, inclusive space and will include, at a minimum, a new Community Hub with entry foyer, retail space, café, offices, community and professional spaces and creche/long day care. Included in the plan is a a recreational water area with a 50 metre, 8 lane, indoor pool, a learn to swim pool and a children beach entry pool. The plan also includes the development of a synthetic athletics track and two senior rugby league fields with associated change rooms and amenities, storage, viewing, seating, connecting pathways, carparking and landscaping.

For more information, visit the SCaRP - Northern Section - Bomaderry Sporting Complex Get Involved web page.